You might say, "Which one? The present moment of protecting myself against the threat of Covid-19? The present moment of waiting and wondering if today will bring a stop to the racial and civil unrest in our cities? The present moment of watching a total disregard for life?
Yesterday I let the news continue to roll and I became more and more morose.
Agitated and fearful.
Worried and distracted.
Conflicted and unproductive, caught up in the past and the future.... and then the day was lost.
Today is not much better. Even my garden, my favorite scriptures and books don't seem to brighten my spirit. I find I must simply obey the instruction of Philippians 4:6 which says to not be anxious about anything ( viruses, civil unrest, racial tensions, disregard for lives), but to present these concerns of the day to God in prayer, with a grateful heart to the One who knows all things, and then the peace that we will never fully understand will come to us. I know that passage to be true for I claimed it during the darkest days of my life. I will never understand it (like the scripture says) but it is true.
It's the waiting that is so hard. I can say the verse over and over, list my prayer requests before God, but then I must trust, watch, and wait. But this is when we need to be on guard, for this is where we lose it and become fearful of all the unknowns. Betty Skinner, in her book The Hidden Life, says this about waiting:
"Waiting is one of the most difficult pieces of a deep, inner spiritual journey. We want to outrun God, but our growth depends on consciously letting go of our fear and allowing our circumstances the space to teach us what God intends....As long as we wait in fear and anxiety, we will not experience growth. "
She goes on to say, "This way of waiting requires we understand that the spiritual life can only be lived in the present moment. Living in the future produces anxiety, worry, and fear. Living in the past produces guilt, bitterness and regret. Many of us never get out of the past or the future and miss the gift that is the present moment."
So today, what will it be?
Marcia, many thanks for your insightful words on my favorite part of Scripture.
Saying it over and over my friend.
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